Jörg Ernert
Jörg Errnert is the jazz musician among the artists of the new Leipzig School, a painterly free spirit. He avoids the dominant discourse and creates his own worlds.
Ernert's primary interest is the question of how far abstraction can go if the object is to remain recognizable, and how reduction enriches the image. His series "Scenografia" and "Serenissima" provide a profound answer to this in relation to the genres of interior painting and veduta painting. The "Afterimages" roll up the subject even more comprehensively. They analyze a phenomenon that already fascinated Rubens, Rembrandt or Titian: Works of art appear most alive when they only provide the eye with an optical framework that is completed by memory - not only with visual memories, but also with smell, taste, Sensations and associations of all kinds.
Jörg Ernert has held a professorship for painting, drawing and composition at the HGB Leipzig since 2012.