9. September 2016 - 5. November 2016

Axel Anklam, Aurum, sculpture, 9th september – 5th november

Axel Anklam works with light’s effects and the atmosphere of the surrounding area - depending on the position of the observer, his sculptures change due to the transparent or opaque material expression. At the same time they are imbued with inner harmony. With the help of consonance studies of Pythagoras, Anklam brought his works to sound: Per monochord he translated pitches into track lengths, and incorporated these in his structures.
Axel Anklam was born in 1971. His works can be seen in museums, renowned collections and in public spaces. The artist lives and works in Berlin and Bad Freienwalde.

We cordially invite you and your friends to the opening with the artist. Please join us on Friday, 9 September at 7 pm. We welcome special guest speaker Stefanie Blumenbecker.


For the season's start of the Frankfurt galleries we are open 10 and 11 September from 11 am until 6 pm.

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