Creamy Feelings Crudle
Ellen Akimoto

Creamy Feelings Crudle
8. May 2020 - 20. June 2020

We cordially invite you to the opening of the exhibition with the artist on Friday, May 8, 2020 from 7 p.m. to Frankfurt. We bit you to lose the right to have limited access to gallery life. In the acclaimed (and extended until June 7th) exhibition "SUPER!" five graduates of Annette Schröter's master class lead the knowledge-based painting at the Kunsthalle Darmstadt. The works of Ellen Akimoto are really spectacular, painterly founded and brilliantly discursive. From May 8, the artist will be showing a solo presentation in our Frankfurt gallery. A catalog appears (Kerber Verlag, available from the beginning of June). “Ellen Akimoto's painting made many impressive decisions, in which her story painting came in for a rich phase. On her own pictures there are dripping and strokes in the spirit of the action painting right next to parts that depict a curtain so plastically that you can enable the velvety social (e.g. incomprehensible talk about the sheet, 2019). Or monochrome surfaces in the style of Suprematism, which are on the picture of the veristically painted object, can be recognized by the painting of the New Objectivity (e.g. Nighttime, 2019). Or a landscape painting painted in the picture can be safely transformed into an abstract painting, closed its own frame and merges with the face of a woman who belongs on a sofa under the painting. Akimoto's losses also do not simply mean funds from the repertoire of relationships painting history, even if they are in certain, funny relationships with each other and in their connection in something new. "(Wolfgang Ullrich) Ellen Akimoto was born in Westlake Village in 1988. You have at California State University, Chico, the University of Art in Mainz and as a master student of Annette Schröter at the University of Graphics and Book Art in Leipzig.

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