snowflake in the melting pot
Moritz Götze, Nguyen Xuan Huy und Thitz

snowflake in the melting pot
3. June 2023 - 19. August 2023

Three artists roam through our brave new world, ask how things will continue and put them into practice. Moritz Götze, Nguyen Xuan Huy and Thitz are painting philosophers. What they give us for the future differs in form and content. It will be exciting!

Paris Pont-Neuf Utopia, 2023, Tüten und Acryl auf Leinwand, 160 x 280 cm, 24.000 Euro

Thitz formulates colorful utopias. His works present a cheerful today and a lively drawn tomorrow. On his extensive travels he collects attributes of urban cultures - and what better depicts a civilization than shopping bags? Thitz recycles them in an exemplary manner in his cityscapes, and their straps are transformed into ripcords for the leap from sober reality to euphoric dimensions. There is no room for skepticism here.

Irrlichter, 2023, Öl auf Leinwand, 270 cm x 414 cm, 42.000 Euro

Nguyen Xuan Huy sees things very differently. He dresses our hubris, blindness and ignorance in astute metaphors. He pours the dystopian visions of the AI ​​generation into the formal language of classical European painting. Technically, he is equal to the masters of the past. Mentally he lives wide awake in the present: Opulent, playful and erotic obsessive he describes the decline of the Occident.

In Moritz Götze's pictures, "someone can't even step doubtfully into the shadows, because there are no shadows," writes Rüdiger Giebler. Götze alleviates the paradoxical lack of information of the information age. He reintroduces categories such as heroism, beauty and the urge to explore. His remix of high culture calls to mind what has been forgotten and straightens out what has been twisted. Götze's enamel paintings are so durable that they will endure whatever civilization or barbarism may come.

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